Thursday, 9 May 2013

A DUPE! Hot Cloth Cleanser

I see the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser raved about everywhere! And I must admit, I do love it! Its absolutely brilliant for getting makeup off, or just general cleansing. It always leaves my face feeling so clean and soft. Also its amazing for unblocking pores. To be quite honest I didn't even think think it was expensive either for £13.25 for 100 ml, or £14.75 with the muslin cloths...

But now I've discovered Boots No7 version! No7 Beautiful Skin Hot Cloth Cleanser. It works just as good, gets rid of all my makeup still and leaves my skin just as soft. And at £9.95 for double the product-200ml you cant go wrong! I also had a £5 No7 voucher, so got it for £4.95. Absolute bargain! It comes with a muslin cloth too.

I have oily/normal skin and its great for me. I think it would be lovely fora dry skin too because its very moisturising.

If you love the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish I would 100% recommend giving this a go! Or if you're looking for a new cleanser this is the one to go for!

Thanks for reading :) 
Leave a comment and I'll go visit your blog xo


  1. Great post, this looks like an amazing dupe (:

  2. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog.
    I was looking at this last time I was in Boots, been looking for something to use up those vouchers! Might give this a go.
    If you haven't already tried the Superdrug Vitamin E one that ones really nice too. Smells like holiday, so amazing! x
    Rachael -

  3. i don't know if this product are selling in my country but i really wanna try it

  4. thanks for sharing - i do think i could cheat on liz earle though! xxx

  5. thanks for posting this, have been looking for something similar!

    B xx

  6. I will definitely have to give this a go, you've made it sound fab xx

    Gemma | ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  7. I have one of those vouchers too and was deciding between the no7 cleanser or the makeup remover, I think you've made my decision for me seeing as I love liz earle :) Emma xx
    Check out my blog?

  8. I've never tried the Liz Earle, but I wasn't a big fan of the No7, I fnd it leaves a film on my skin. :( I'm glad it works for you though! Just stated following your lovely blog. xx

  9. I've never tried Liz Earle, but since this is the product everyone's talking about I guess it's the obvious choice for someone like me to try their products :o). Xx
