Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Thought I'd just do a quick post of all the things I really really want! And the things that whenever I go shopping I always go to have a look at and consider buying, or wish I had enough money too buy!

Michael Kors Watch
I've wanted one of these watches for ages! But I just can't bring myself to part with £200-£300 on one item, when I could go to the makeup bit in selfridges and get about 10 high end items for that!
Anyway, I just think they are sooooo nice and classy! I absolutely love the rose gold ones too, as I am obsessed with anything rose gold atm! Here's a picture of one that I've had my eye on...
Michael Kors Rose Gold Plated Chronograph Ladies Watch MX1096

Estee Lauder Eye Shadow Duo in Raisins
I've seen this in a few blog and youtube videos. I first saw Tanya Burr use it in one of her videos, and I just needed it after that! I would have never thought of putting a plum sort of colour on my eyelids, but it looks really good!

Real Technique Brushes
I have the stippling brush and the expert face brush, but I love them so much that I just want them all now! And I just see them all over youtube and blogs so I know they are really good and definitely worth the money, and to be honest they're not even that expensive!
Real Techniques Brushes 
Nars Laguna Bronzer
I just really want this bronzer as I've read so many good reviews about it! I currently have a mac one but I don't find it very good for contouring, and this one is supposed to be really great for that!
Benefits They're Real Mascara
I've also read a lot about this product, a lot of good, and also a lot of bad! But I just really want to try it myself to see what all the hype is about and see if it's really as good as it's supposed to be.
Estee Lauder Double Wear
I've been obsessed with foundations recently, so been reading a lot of reviews on so many! I really want a medium to heavy coverage that stays put all day, and this is supposed to be perfect for that!
Lots and Lots of Lipsticks! No specific ones really as I always find there's too many and just like choosing when I'm shopping really. Or do you have any you can recommend?

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment and I'll check out your blog!



  1. I love all these products! I've heard so many good things about that benefit mascara x

  2. This is a great wishlist! The Estee Lauder Double Wear is a FANTASTIC foundation, I'd definitely recommend you try it! Ooh, I've been wanting that Benefit mascara too! :-)

    I love your blog, and I've nominated you for the Liebster award, if you're interested the post is here: http://emily-etc.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/the-liebster-award.html

    Blog more soon!xo

  3. I really like the look of all these products and really want to buy them myself, especially the NARS bronzer.


  4. I agree with so many of these! The bronzer looks gorgeous!

    I've heard really good things about the double wear concealer so I imagine the foundation is great too!



  5. Oh that watch is gorgeous, I want it!!!

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)

    p.s. I’ve given the blog a bit of a face lift!




  6. I need more of the real techniques brushes. They are very good and well-priced. The MK watch, I already have one ;)



  7. I too love the MK watches but just cannot bring myself to pay that much money for one! OX

    My YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBJoxgb1OR4
    My Blog: ox-lana.blogspot.co.uk

  8. They're real mascara is great! I've been using in for 6 months now. I love that watch too.

    Just follwed your blog.


  9. Love this wishlist! I love Michael kors watches too :) rose gold is just so gorgeous xx

  10. Amazing wish list love the watch D: xxx

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award check it out here and leave your reply in the comments box if you take part :) and wishing you a very Happy Easter too =^.^= x


  11. Heyy, I just wanted to let you know i have nominated you for a Versatile blogger award, check it out here http://sunglasses-and-daisychains.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/versatile-blogger.html

    I really want that NARS bronzer as well :)


  12. I nominated you for a Liebster award!
    (Sorry if you already have one!)

  13. You are soo much like me!!! I want like all of those things!! Execpt the mascara which I have (yay) :) I love your blog!! I have a new blog, I am following you and I'd love if you'd check out my blog and maybe follow too! http://mabilicious.blogspot.co.uk/ <3

  14. You have a very good taste.. it's the same as mine, haha!
    The Double Wear foundation is perfect for a high coverage and lasting all day, just people can struggle with getting the right colour match and it can flare up sensitive skins so try to get a sample first but definitely give it a go!


  15. Ooooh I really want one of those watches too

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)




  16. Great taste!! My MK watch never leaves my wrist!xx

    Blog: http://www.cocochicblog.co.uk
    Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/1823055

  17. I Love MK Watches so much but I completely agree with you
    that is a lot of make up and shoes :-)
    Great post and lovely blog. New follower :-)
    Come and pop by if you would like.


  18. I love They're real mascara and Orgasm blush by Nars!

    Please check out and follow my blog! I'd really appreciate it! <3

  19. *friendssss, blogging friendssss*

  20. the they're real mascara is a freebie with this months elle uk :) The michael kors rose gold watch is on my wish list too :)

